Expert Says Parents Should Ask Babies For Consent Before Changing Diapers

In the world of parenting, where dirty diapers are as common as cuddles, a new concept is shaking things up: seeking permission from babies before changing their nappies. It’s a notion that has sparked both curiosity and controversy, leaving many scratching their heads in disbelief.

Enter Deanne Carson, a self-proclaimed authority on sexuality education. In her bold claim, she suggests that parents should initiate a dialogue of consent from the very beginning of their child’s life. While it might sound unconventional, Carson argues that even infants can benefit from a culture of consent.

During a notable appearance on ABC, Carson shared her insights on instilling this concept in early childhood. She emphasizes the importance of non-verbal cues, particularly eye contact, in conveying the message that a child’s input matters. While it’s true that newborns can’t verbally respond, Carson suggests that a moment of anticipation, coupled with non-verbal communication, can lay the foundation for a respectful relationship between parent and child.

Sexuality expert’ says parents should ask for baby’s consent when changing nappies.

Yes, really…