I Always Thought I Was Good At Riddles But This Is Tough!

A good riddle can bring people together, but it can also challenge friendships. Right now, there’s a riddle storming the internet that’s putting friendships to the test. The riddle is simple yet tricky: “What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?” It’s not easy to solve, and it can lead to some frustration among friends.

A good riddle can bring people together, but it can also challenge friendships. Right now, there’s a riddle storming the internet that’s putting friendships to the test. The riddle is simple yet tricky: “What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?” It’s not easy to solve, and it can lead to some frustration among friends.

So, what’s the answer? It’s a penny! A penny has no fur, and it has a head and a tail. Plus, it’s brown. Did your friends manage to solve the riddle quickly? Let us know in the comments below!